Jun 27, 2023Liked by Shari Schreiber MA

So eloquently captured with all the right colors and with an array of intellectual brushes with hairs finer than angel pussy.

Another masterpiece for the archives. Defiant Disorder, now that is by far a characteristic appropriately associated to my will to live, commitment to resilience, and valuation of self.

20 years of marriage unknowingly to a clinically diagnosed Cluster B - Covert / Malignant NPD- HPD and much much more. Hidden behind a well constructed mask until a bomb was triggered and destroyed everything. What an excruciatingly painful experience.

Thank you 🙏 for you work and contributions to this subject matter. You are very appreciated. Have a safe and productive day. Peace ✌️

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What marvelous commentary. Thanks VERY much for your kind words, and for being a fan of my writings! I hope your life and love zones have benefitted from wisdom that can emanate from earlier, toxic experiences. I wish you good fortune and peace. Warmly, Shari

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